What ministry looks like...

1:23 PM

(How ministry looked to me before coming to Uganda and how God is changing my viewpoint.)

When I started out on this journey of obeying God’s calling to move to Uganda and be a missionaries wife, I had my own plans in mind. I dreamt of loving on orphans and training young woman in a skill to better their lives. Of being the hands and feet of Jesus in the most literal sense and how I imagined missions work to be for as long as I can remember.

After 3 months here, that is not what my journey looks like. I have been crushed and have battle scars from the spiritual battles that have raged around and in me. God has taken me to personal spiritual places I had never been before. I have dug my feet in and said no more and checked out. I have picked myself back up and with my head hung, slowly come back to the Maker and the Life-giver and asked for a do-over. 

I've realized that my way is not his way and his plans are far greater than I could ever imagine. That he has been equipping me and building my character for this exact time in my life. 

So my journey might not look like I imagined it but I am grateful to be serving my Lord in the ways he has prepared for me. And I’m expectant to see how he changes me and sanctifies me to bring him glory in the end. 

Trusting El Roi, the God who sees me


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