The Process of Looking at Houses
4:30 PM
After Curtis got a permanent position at work in June we started looking for a house to purchase.
After 6 months of actively looking, we had looked at over 55 houses and put in 7 offers that were out bid, we were starting to rethink buying a house and rather trying to rent to move closer to Curtis' work , as the hour and 20 mins each way was killing him and our bank account.
We had just started inquiring about a basement apartment when our realtor called to inform us that, a HUD home we had bid on 2 months earlier and didn't get, had come back on the market and they had accepted our backup offer. Wooohooo!!!!!
We were so excited and started planning everything that needed to be done.
Got our inspection done that next week and a pending approval from the bank the following week, all they needed was a couple more documents.
After sending in the documents we started the waiting game...
If you have never played the waiting game it went something like this you live on edge waiting for a 100% approval and ready to close and move at the drop of a hat, but its not that quick it took over a month and a contract extension before we got our approval.
During our waiting game we had terrible winds and the roof on the house got a leak so we went back and forth with the management company about getting it repaired and luckily they repaired it.
We got the great news on a Monday and we were closing by the Thursday (I told you quick turn around).