The news I didn't tell you in the previous post was that Thursday was also the day I graduated from college. The only closing time they could give us so that we did not have to have a new appraisal done (because of the waiting game ours was about to expire) was Thursday at 4, just 2 hours before I needed to be at the school, an hour and a half away, I confirmed with the school that I could be there only 45 mins in advance which bought me an hour and we were cutting it close but we got it done. The loan attorney was super fast!
We closed on our house and I walked the stage.
So excited for new beginnings!!!
Here are some videos from Graduation:
Here are some videos from Graduation:
After Curtis got a permanent position at work in June we started looking for a house to purchase.
After 6 months of actively looking, we had looked at over 55 houses and put in 7 offers that were out bid, we were starting to rethink buying a house and rather trying to rent to move closer to Curtis' work , as the hour and 20 mins each way was killing him and our bank account.
We had just started inquiring about a basement apartment when our realtor called to inform us that, a HUD home we had bid on 2 months earlier and didn't get, had come back on the market and they had accepted our backup offer. Wooohooo!!!!!
We were so excited and started planning everything that needed to be done.
Got our inspection done that next week and a pending approval from the bank the following week, all they needed was a couple more documents.
After sending in the documents we started the waiting game...
If you have never played the waiting game it went something like this you live on edge waiting for a 100% approval and ready to close and move at the drop of a hat, but its not that quick it took over a month and a contract extension before we got our approval.
During our waiting game we had terrible winds and the roof on the house got a leak so we went back and forth with the management company about getting it repaired and luckily they repaired it.
We got the great news on a Monday and we were closing by the Thursday (I told you quick turn around).
As our first post we thought we would give you our back story and catch you up a bit...
Curtis was born and raised in Georgia, He is the oldest of four children, with two brothers and a sister.
Jeneane was born and raised in Port Elizabeth, South Africa, she is the middle of three sisters. She came to the U.S. in the summer of 2005 as an Au Pair and extended her stay in 2006 as she planned to attend college here.
We meet in October 2006 at North Metro Church's college ministry Echo, through a mutual friend. (Curtis does not remember this meeting) A few weeks later Curtis held a bonfire at his house, which a friend and I attended and Curtis and I spoke the entire night.
After many a night of late night phone calls, we started dating on November 24th and on February 3rd 2007, Curtis asked me to marry him.
We married on March 24th 2007.
The last six years has been a whirl wind, we have moved four times.
We have added two pets to our family. Dolce and Gabbana.
Curtis was laid off unexpectedly in February 2009, and we have both gone back to school and finished our degrees since.
Curtis received his Bachelor of Science in Communication form Kennesaw State University in August 2011. Jeneane just finished up her diploma in Business Administration with a speciality in the Medical Office.
We have had a long and interesting journey and are hoping with the completion of our degree's we will start down some new and fun paths that we would love to share with you.
So let the journey begin...